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Image by Quino Al
Image by Womanizer Toys
relationship Matters logo.png


At the core, the quality of the relationships we built are indicators of our happiness — it weighs more than a successful business empire, health, or status. Relationships we faced on a daily, whether a friend, co-worker, family member or romantic partner impacts our well-being. It bears the question, though, whether the impact is ultimately positive or negative. Because Relationship Matters™ put emphasis on how our relationships are important, and they require a similar level of prioritization and commitment as any other aspect of our lives.


The basics of being present, listening, and affirming will evoke a sense of connectedness, and belonging which will elevate feelings of positivity and self-worth — contributing to increased happiness. Commit to letting your loved ones know that you were here yesterday, you’re here today and you’re going to be here tomorrow. A sense of continuity will make them feel an innate ability to be relax, authentic and vulnerable with themselves and you.



Subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter to learn more, including tools and strategies we can utilize to strengthen and be more present in our relationships.

Join the movement.

Write your name on the line

If you see people with these stickers, introduce yourself! People who are wearing this maybe 1st-time attendee, or career professionals. Ask them how they are enjoying #PFIP2023

Your Kit

Use these to exercise the movement's mission with the loved ones in your life. You can also meet and connect people you meet everyday – it's your way of paying it forward

Pass This On Badge.png

Pass This On Badge

Here's a token to remember us by!

Remember relationships happen everyday so this helps to

remind you. 


You can also pass this forward to a loved one. 

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Your Voice Matters 

Paste this on our event banner!


Share with us what you do – for example any little effort you do to cultivate your relationships/friendships. Or personal practices that you do everyday. Let us know! It's always great to share ideas.


(Approach any of our ELF brand reps if you are unsure where to stick this)


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Daily Reminders

This a checkpoint and reminder that being good to yourself starts with maintaining a healthy relationship around you. 


Stick this on your devices

or notebooks!

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Be Present

We believe that being present, asking important questions, and listening to another person is a loving act. We want to hear from you about the power of listening in your life. Pen it down on your sticker!

Maintaining friendships is as simple as Listening – especially when you are in conversation. And taking the time to really check-in with each other – even if it isn’t very often – and to really be present and listen is so important.

Image by Anastasia Vityukova


If someone comes to you and shares they are scared- Listen first. Validate their feelings. Validation does not mean agreeing it means listening and affirming. We all need to be seen, heard and feel connected. Listen & Affirm.

Subscribe To Learn More

865 Mountbatten Rd, #05-43, Singapore 437844

Tel: +65 8754 4851

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